Tropical beach vacations, like Coast Rica with Best Vacation Ever
When you’re itching to get away and relax, the most affordable, intriguing and exciting way to travel is with low-cost Best Vacations Ever vacation packages.

If you’re sick of the daily grind, exhausted, overworked, stressed or even just itching to get away, you’ve got the travel bug. Your diagnosis is an affordable, relaxing, exciting vacation with Best Vacations Ever (BVE) provided by 30-year travel-leader Preferred Guest Resorts, which travels tens of thousands of families every year with legitimate, slashed-price vacation packages to amazing destinations that typically include complimentary accommodations. Call 800-656-2780, visit for vacation destinations and information, and then GO TRAVEL! Here are BVE’s top picks to cure your travel bug with incredible, extremely affordable vacations:

Family enjoying Daytna Beach with Best Vacatons Ever
Fun int the sun and seashore for all families and cohabitating couples in Daytona Beach Florida with low-cost Best Vacations Ever vacation packages to Florida.

Daytona Beach is already one of the top beach vacation destination choices for all travelers, but what if this legendary city also offered casinos and expanded gambling? It’s been on the top of Daytona’s mind for its locals and especially its visitors like tens of  thousands of Best Vacations Ever travelers. So is expanded gambling and casinos in Daytona Beach a sure bet? Not yet….But, it will be if the city of Daytona Beach has anything to say about it. Toward the end of last year, Daytona made headlines with its aggressive push, city governmental support and the formation of a legislative strategic analysis team, The Spectrum Gaming Group, which is a task force that was hired by the state to do the research