You can save an amazing $3,000 OFF a number of incredible vacation package choices with Best Vacations Ever’s $3,000 cash-value promotion.

It’s important you are educated as a consumer, so it’s critical on any promotional offer that you fully read the offer and understand the terms and conditions of business promotions. Monetary, discount, voucher and coupon promotions are common methods used to provide incentives and drive traffic. Value and savings are what consumers want and what most businesses try to provide in a variety of mediums. Preferred Guest Resorts (PGR) sits at the helm of Best Vacations Ever (a promotional vacation package company), with more than 30 years of leading travel industry experience that legitimately sends tens of thousands of satisfied families per year on vacations at significantly lower rates than retail. When PGR looks at promotions it can offer, it considers the following: Is the promotion something that our guests will love?  Is it a good deal for our customers?  Is the company in a position to offer such a high-value promotion? How much it will cost the company? Is the promotion is consistent with the brand’s good image? One of many PGR Best Vacations Ever promotions includes receiving a $3,000 credit to apply to its incredible promotional vacation offers.

This particular online PGR Best Vacations Ever promotion has significant $3,000 cash savings and value that is used toward the purchase of one of the available Best Vacations Ever promotional family vacation packages. It’s as simple as the very familiar promotion you see car dealers use where you are offered a $2,000 check you can use toward the purchase of a new vehicle. It’s basically a reduction in cost. In this case, it’s a significant $3,000 savings on a vacation package.

Preferred Guest Resorts sends tens of thousands of families travel all around the world, saving thousands of dollars and visiting amazing destinations with legitimate, money-saving Best Vacations Ever promotional vacation packages at less than retail costs, like with its $3,000 Cash-Value Promotion.

There is no “catch;” just significant CASH value of the $3,000 Best Vacations Ever online promotion actually offers. The $3,000 can be used toward—or applied to—the purchase of vacation packages that cost more than $3,000. In this case, usually leaving the consumer responsible for only the nominal fees of $298-$898 for an amazing vacations….or a couple of them…depending on the vacation package chosen. Do the math and you will see the significant monetary value of this incredible promotional vacation offer! The terms and conditions are always provided on both the phone call and of course the confirmation letter, which is also available 24/7 using the Best Vacations Ever website located at

When using any promotional offer, if you are unclear on the terms and conditions, make sure you take the time to read the fine print, or ask a customer service agent, legitimate companies, like Preferred Guest Resorts and its Best Vacations Ever promotions, are required by law to show their terms & conditions will not have any issue doing soPreferred Guest Resorts employs a strong internal resolution process based on consumer education and satisfaction, so if you ever have any questions about its offer, please call Best Vacations Ever at 407-656-2780.


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