Ever wonder what you should do about charges you don’t understand when you review you monthly bank statements? Give the company a call as soon as possible to resolve any concerns. It sounds simple—and it is! It saves time and avoids costly mistakes for what may seem to be an error, but it’s really a legitimate charge for your Best Vacations Ever (BVE) vacation package. To avoid such errors, visit the bestvacationsever.com home page to find the customer-service phone number for the country you live in, even the U.S., and call the company first! Preferred Guest Resorts (PGR), provider of your Best Vacations Ever vacation package, is the fastest way to solve your problem. You should be watching your bank and credit-card statements carefully every month so you know where your money is going. If you find an odd charge on your bank statement, think about recent purchases, and check it against your welcome email or the confirmation letter you can download on our website at besvacationsever.com.
If you get a call from your bank asking you to confirm charges it suspects to be fraud or suspicious activity, do not be so quick to deny the charges for your Best Vacations Ever package until you have called the company for confirmation. In order to protect your money, banks and credit-card companies are taught to flag anything you buy that is not within your typical buying patterns. But, it DOES NOT mean any of the charges are an error, especially if you bought your Best Vacations Ever vacation package, especially if you live outside of the U.S—foreign purchases are one of the most commonly flagged charges. Again, call the proper customer-service number for your country that is located on the bestvationsever.com home page to speak with an agent who can confirm your BVE-secured charges.
Most consumers also assume that funds for products they purchase online are taken out of your account right away; but that’s not always the case. Some can take up to 7-10 days. Be sure to allow enough time for anything you buy online or out of the U.S. to process and make sure that you keep enough money in your bank or credit-card account to allow for the charges to clear. After buying a Best Vacations Ever package and have questions about your charge, first call PGR and speak with one of our agents who can look into your account and answer all your questions, explain the charge(s) and if needed, resolve any issues quickly. Preferred Guest Resorts’ goal is to provide you with enhanced Best Vacations Ever travel packages at serious savings with incredible service. So if anything odd appears on your statement or you have any questions at all about your Best Vacations Ever charges, call the appropriate customer-service number for your country located on the bestvationsever.com home page. You’ll be glad you did!