All-New Walt Disney World Experiences & Tips from Repeat Visitors
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There’s no place like home, especially when it is the ever-growing Orlando, Florida. My 43-year-old friend Jay grew up in suburb of Orlando, graduating from local public schools with high honors and also from the University of Florida where he met and eventually married his wife, Carrie, many years ago. It wasn’t long before incredible work options drove them off to live amid the west coast of United States. Jay and Carrie have always been avid travelers, even with their eventual two kids in tow since your ages but who are now teenagers – a bubbly girl, Abby, and bottle-of-lightening tween boy named Jonah, both of which share their parents joy of travel and adventure. Growing up in the Orlando area, with family still here, Jay and Carrie and are well versed with Orlando and Walt Disney World® Resort, knowing and experiencing the parks many times since near inception as young ones and as adults with their children since they were all but 2 years old – their last visit to the theme parks being 5 years ago.